The Cost of Termite Treatment Treatment
At Command Pest Control, we offer alternative termite treatment methods that do not involve a Tent Fumigation of your home. These alternative termite treatment methods may save you money. Completely effective (under the right conditions) and definitely a practical option. Our various alternative termite treatment methods have several advantages for the South Florida homeowner.
Lower Cost Alternative Termite Treatments
The most common termite treatment method in Florida is known as tent fumigation. During the tent fumigation the homeowner is usually asked to relocate for at least 3 days so that the pest control specialist can effectively and safely perform the treatment. The homeowner will also be asked to remove plants and flowers, uncanned foods, and medications from the structure as well as the possibility of having to trim shrubs, rake back rocks and mulch, disconnect satellites, and remove antennas.
In other words, the tent fumigation cost of termite treatment can be high, but we may be able to treat you home using one of our termite treatment methods methods. With Command Pest Control’s alternative treatment methods to tenting for termites, you can save hundreds of dollars while still getting the same successful results. Moreover, Call us for a FREE INSPECTION and get a 5% discount on your first service.
How a Drywood Termite Spot Treatment is Performed
After we perform a thorough Termite Inspection of your home and have located the affected areas, we can begin the Spot Treatment / Liquid treatment. * All structures may not be a candidate for a liquid or a spot treatment – it will depend on the design of the structure, the severity of the infestation, and the location(s) of the infestation.
- First
During an inspection, if we find localized areas needing treatment, we verify the termites location with our Termatrac Termite Detector. - Second
We will drill small holes and inject the Termiticide into the termite galleries of the affected areas. This can be in the form of foam, dust, or liquid. Depending on the severity of the infestation, we may suggest opening up a few areas of the home so we can better access some of the hard-to-reach areas. - Third
We will apply the Termiticide to the accessible/ exposed wood areas of your attic and other parts of your home where there is raw unpainted wood that can easily be accessed. This provides an excellent preventive measure against termites. - After Treatment
We will give you a re-treatment guarantee, so you don’t have to worry about returning pests and termites bothering you. If you notice something just give us a call and we will return it Free of Charge.
We’ve cut the cost of termite treatment for Homeowners in South Florida. Call us at (954) 943-0008 or fill out the contact form to schedule a FREE Inspection.
The Very BEST in Pest Control

Termite Information