No-Tent Fumigation is a cost effective alternative to Tent Fumigation
No-Tent Fumigation (also known as Tape and Seal Fumigation) is a highly effective alternative Fumigation method used to control termite infestations in homes, buildings, boats, warehouses, etc. No-Tent Fumigation (Tape and Seal Fumigation) is almost identical to a Tent Fumigation, except that instead of covering the entire structure with Tarps, the home is sealed with special tape and plastic sheeting. The tape and plastic sheeting are used in specific areas to prevent the loss of the fumigant gas and to ensure that the fumigant remains contained in the structure. No-Tent Fumigation utilizes the same specialized fumigant (usually at a higher rate) and the same fumigant monitoring equipment as used when performing Tent Fumigations.
No-Tent Fumigation method is mainly used in cases where a Tent fumigation is recommended to eliminate a termite infestation, but cannot be performed due to various reasons, such as: design of the structure, type of roof, heavy foliage, or some other condition that would prevent the use of tarps or where the cons of a Tent Fumigation outweigh the pro’s.
An example of when to choose a No-Tent Fumigation (Tape and Seal Fumigation) over a Tent Fumigation would be if a structure has a metal roof, because most metal roofs have sharp edges, and these sharp edges could cut or tear the tarp open and cause unacceptable gas loss. Another example would be a structure that has a lot of foliage up against or on the exterior walls, if Tent Fumigated some or all of the foliage may need to be covered in order to create a proper seal, and any foliage that was covered would more than likely die or become damaged. Only professional fumigators like the professional fumigators at Command Pest Control have the knowledge and experience to perform No-Tent Fumigations (Tape and Seal Fumigations).
Your safety and the safety of your family is our #1 concern at Command Pest Control
When performing No-Tent Fumigations very strict safety protocols are followed during each and every step of the No-Tent Fumigations (Tape and Seal Fumigation). This includes ensuring that the fumigant is introduced into the structure by one of Command Pest Controls highly trained and certified professional fumigators after the structure has been inspected to confirm that all of the residents and occupants have evacuated, and the structure is confirmed vacant.
Strict rules and regulations are followed to ensure that the proper active ventilation and passive ventilation procedures have been followed before Clearance Testing can begin. The typical length of the entire No-Tent Fumigation is 3 days and 2 nights (total length of time can vary depending on weather, type of structure, size of infestation, and type of termite, etc.
The key steps involved in No-Tent Fumigations are:
- Inspection: A thorough inspection of the building or structure is conducted by the SPID (Special ID Card Holder-Job Supervisor) upon arrival to structure.
- Preparation: Occupants of the building are evacuated, key arrangements have been made, and a safety check has been made to ensure all safety protocols have been followed properly.
- Sealing: All areas identified as potential gas loss sites are carefully sealed using specialized tape and plastic sheeting to create an airtight environment of the structure.
- Introduction of Fumigant: After the home is carefully inspected again by the SPID to verify that all occupants have evacuated the structure, a warning agent will be used in the building being fumigated as a safety precaution. The SPID (Special ID Card Holder-Job Supervisor) will then calculate the proper amount of fumigant (varies depending on size of structure, weather conditions, type of insect) and then proceed with introducing the fumigant into the structure.
- Monitoring: The fumigant concentration levels constantly being monitored throughout the entire fumigation process using state of the art fumigant monitoring equipment. The concentration level results constantly being replayed via the internet to the Command Pest Control office and the SPID (Special ID Card Holder-Job Supervisor). This ensures a successful No-Tent Fumigation every time.
- Aeration: After the No-Tent Fumigation required time has elapsed the SPID (Special ID Card Holder-Job Supervisor) will enter the structure wearing a SCBA and open all of the operable windows and doors to perform the Active Aeration Procedure, after a minimum of 1 hour has elapsed the doors and windows are closed the structure will be secured. At that time the Passive Aeration procedure will begin, and the SPID (Special ID Card Holder-Job Supervisor) will not return for a minimum of 6 hours (time may be longer depending on the design of structure and the amount of fumigant originally introduced into the structure).
- Clearance to Re-Enter: After the required minimum Active Aeration Time and the Passive Aeration Time has elapsed the SPID (Special ID Card Holder-Job Supervisor) will return to the property and check the Fumigant Gas Levels in the structure with a High Tech Specialized Fumigant Clearance Device and when the fumigant levels are less than one part per million (ZERO) the structure will be turned over to the Owner/Occupant. **This procedure is performed under the strictest Label Requirements, Company Policies, and State/Federal Laws. There is No Exception to these requirements, policies, and laws.
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