Pests That Infest Homes in Florida Summer

Pests That Infest Homes in Florida Summer

Floridians know that summertime means more bug activity than any other time of year. It may feel like every bug you’ve ever seen comes out of the woodwork during the summer — some, literally out of the woodwork — but certain pests are especially active during this time of year. Read on to learn about some of the pests that you’ll most commonly find invading your home as temperatures rise and the summer rain falls. 


Florida’s tropical climate makes it friendly to ants. Florida carpenter ants are some of the most common. They tend to live in trees but sometimes infest homes with decaying wooden structures. Red imported fire ants sting when you step on their mounds. Bigheaded ants, which look like un-winged termites, and rover ants, the tiny, black ones you may find in your bathroom or kitchen, are also common in the state. 

For carpenter ants, the best way to prevent an infestation is to remove any gaps in the structure of your home. Removing these gaps can help prevent most infestations. Most types of ants that like to go inside do so because they’re attracted to standing water or spilled food they can access around your house. Your best defense against ants is cleaning up your messes and keeping food in airtight containers. 


In Florida, summer is synonymous with mosquitoes. These notorious bloodsucking creatures have the potential to spread diseases like Zika virus and malaria, which can be serious if untreated. When you’re planning an outdoor adventure, mosquito repellent is a must. 

Mosquitoes gather around and lay their eggs in standing water, so your best defense against having them around your house is removing any sources of standing water. If you have a birdbath, you should swap the water out frequently to avoid letting mosquitoes nest in it. 


Every Floridian has encountered cockroaches at some point in their lives. For their large size, they’re great at sneaking around and appearing out of nowhere. They carry bacteria that, if deposited on food, can cause illnesses like salmonella poisoning, staph infections and strep throat. The worst part about them is, when you see one, you can assume there are more not too far away. 

When cockroaches enter your home, they’re seeking food, water and shelter. Fixing leaky pipes and keeping areas dry that can get damp if not maintained properly will be your main defense against these creatures. You’ll also want to seal entry points, adding or fixing weatherstripping on doors and windows. Keep food tightly sealed, cover up trash cans, and avoid leaving pet food out overnight. 


In the late spring and early summer, termites spread their wings and start new colonies in a process known as swarming. After they swarm, they get right to work, eating away at wood and making the perfect home for their colony. While they often do this outside, sometimes, they build their colonies within the walls of people’s homes. Some early signs of a termite infestation include discarded wings and droppings that look like discolored sawdust. 

Avoiding an infestation can be tricky, especially if you have an older home. The best defense against termites is having your home regularly inspected. However, you can avoid making it easy for them to infest your home by keeping wood stored off the ground and away from the house, keeping plants a safe distance from your home and fixing leaks in your home to avoid wood rot. 

When to Call a Professional Pest Control Service

While you may have some luck getting rid of pests like ants or mosquitoes on your own, some insects, like termites, require a professional touch. No matter what type of infestation you find, a professional pest control company will know where to look, how to treat the infestation and the steps you need to take to keep pests off your property. 

Have pests taken over your home this summer? The team at Command Pest Control, a veteran-owned company with a 20-year history of exceptional service, is here to help with exterminator services in Oakland Park. Call us at 954-943-0008 or contact us online to schedule a free inspection.

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