5 Effective Pest Control Tips for the Home

5 Effective Pest Control Tips for the Home

Keeping pests out of your home can be accomplished if you are willing to take a few extra precautions. Here are a few of the most effective pest control tips.

Seal Entry Ways

Even the smallest cracks and holes around your home can give pests access to your premises. It is important to make sure caulking around your windows is sealed and that all areas around your cabinets are free of unnecessary openings. Areas around baseboards are also important to check.

Secure Trash

Critters love to dig through trash in order to find old food scraps. You can prevent this problem by securely fastening lids to trash cans and removing trash from inside your home. It is best to keep waste receptacles full of trash away from your home.

Eliminate Standing Water

Bird baths, plant containers and other areas where standing water is commonly found can attract mosquitoes that quickly multiply and are capable of wreaking havoc upon any household. Standing water may also attract other critters that are looking to quench their thirst. Getting rid of standing water is one of the best ways to keep your home from becoming a breeding ground for pests.

Maintain Your Trees

Trees that are not regularly pruned can make it easier for pests to hide and eventually invade your living space. All tree branches should not be allowed to grow too close to your home. It is also important to trim shrubbery regularly to avoid similar problems.

Thoroughly Inspect Items Being Brought into Your Home

New clothes, furniture and even grocery items should be thoroughly inspected so that no stowaway pests are being brought into your home.

Your home does not have to become a sanctuary for pests, and taking a few steps to detract their efforts can make your setting a safer and more enjoyable place for you to live.

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