Two Spiders in Florida to Absolutely Avoid

Two Spiders in Florida to Absolutely Avoid

Our state is home to a variety of birds, reptiles, mammals and insects. Most of these species cause no hazard to humans, but a few require special attention and care. Brown recluse spiders and a number of widow spiders in Florida can cause bites that may have serious medical consequences. These spiders are often found under or in boxes, containers or other types of storage areas. Knowing more about these spiders can help you to protect yourself and your family.

The Brown Recluse Spider

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Brown Recluse spider in Florida
Brown Recluse Spider

Recluse spiders are often known as fiddleback spiders, violin spiders or brown recluse spiders. They are about six to twelve millimeters in length, with tan or brown abdomens. Some recluse spiders have a characteristic dark violin-shaped pattern on the front of the head. If you were to look very closely, you would notice that the recluse spiders have six eyes arranged in three pairs, unlike other spiders that have eight eyes arranged in four pairs. Brown recluse spiders in Florida are not native to the region, but have been introduced to the state by various means. Experts recognize three species of recluse spiders that have been found in Florida.

Brown Recluse Spider Bite Symptoms

A recluse spider bite can be barely noticeable or can be very serious, causing necrosis of the tissue at the site. Symptoms occur from two to six hours after the bite and can include blistering of the site, pain, swelling and the appearance of a blue area around the bite separated from the red by a white stripe. If the area becomes purplish, necrosis of tissue can occur which may cause scarring. See a physician to have the bite treated immediately.

Widow Spiders

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A black widow spider in Florida
Black Widow Spider

Widow spiders can be found in many regions of the world. They are about eight to fifteen millimeters in length, with a shiny, globe-shaped abdomen. They are usually black with red markings, but some are pale in color and may have lateral lines on the body. Widow spiders are nocturnal insects and may be found in outbuildings or under structures. Three types of wider spiders are native to Florida, and one type has been introduced to the state.

Black Widow Spider Bite Symptoms

The bite of a widow spider can take from one to three hours to spread through the lymphatic system. The bite can cause intense pain, rigid muscles, sweating, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and malaise. A physician can administer an antivenom to help relieve these symptoms.

Professional pest control treatments can help to prevent these spiders from making their homes on your property. To learn about other spiders that can be found in South Florida, click here to visit the spider identification page from Command Pest Control in Pompano Beach, FL.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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