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Do I Need Bee Removal Service?

Bee removal service, pest control, Command Pest Control

Do I Need Bee Removal Service?

Bees are commonly found in or around households. These pests build their nests in crevices, structure voids, or outside in gardens and planters. Sometimes you may see a swarm of bees in your home or somewhere nearby. If you see a bee hive, whether big or small, it makes you wonder if you need bee removal service or if you can do it yourself. To answer that question many things must be considered.

Some areas in your garden or household are ideal for beehives. Your chimneys, voids, or walls have the most favorable environment for bees to thrive. Even if it a small beehive, bees living inside households can cause structural damage and need to be removed. Let’s learn more about the intricacies involved in bee removal. Then you can decide when to call a professional to remove your bees. 

Swarming of Bees

Swarming is part of the natural reproductive cycle of bees. The queen bee, along with worker bees, fly to a new location to replicate colonies. Before the bees find an ideal location, a bee swarm moves to a temporary area to form a new hive. Please note that although bees are temperamental pests, bee swarms are gentle. These bees are swarming to reproduce the hive. This is a temporary place and so they are not inclined to attack unless you disturb them or try to harm them. They may migrate to another permanent location within a few hours or days.

Observe the beehive to check if it is a permanent nesting. Warm cavities above the ground or sheltered areas along the walls are most favorable. Are you are eager to see the swarm gone and you have no experience in bee removal? You need to call a local beekeeper to see if the pests are honeybees. We recommend you call a bee removal service for other bee species. A local beekeeper may not have the right expertise to handle bumble bees, wild bees, wasps etc. 

Bee Colonies

Migrating bees are generally docile. Bees are not likely to act out aggressively unless you provoke them. Yet, a honeycomb inside your household can do a lot of structural damage. A honeycomb or a beehive inside crevices or voids within the walls can grow at a faster rate and grow bigger in size. If the bee colonies do not undergo bee removal in time, they connect to the moisture within the wall. This may cause irrevocable damage to your home. So will the abandoned bee colony if its left unattended. The honey from within the hive may seep into the surfaces, causing mold and other damage.  

Bee Removal Process

Normally, a bee swarm goes away on its own within a few hours or a few days. The most viable option is to exterminate the bees if the swarm is new. The extermination is a cause of concern because that affects the honeybee population. Honeybees are affected by diseases and other pests. You can exterminate the bees in the new swarm using insecticide. Speaking with a bee control specialists is the recommended first step to removal.

Do you have a permanent beehive? For a hive that has honey and large colonies of bees, a professional bee removal service is needed. You need an approach that will conserve the bee population and the honey inside it. Your problem is handled with compassion this way. If you have no experience to undertake a humane bee removal, you need the bee removal services.

The Large Beehives

A complete bee hive that has thrived for a long period needs an elaborate removal process. This needs specialized equipment, special suits designed for the job, and an intuitive approach to remove. In complex cases it becomes imperative to call in the professionals for bee removal. Pest control services have the proper experience, equipment and the skills to get rid of large beehives.

The best bee removal services will have a humane approach to the process. The bees are gently removed, preserved and are looked after by beekeepers. To learn more about your bees and proper removal speak to a bee removal professional today. 


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